equip & Engage

Equip: Empower People With the Skills, Mindset and Confidence to
Thrive Beyond the Script and Handle the Unexpected.

Equip First,
Lead Second

"I Guide Leaders to Equip Their Teams With the Specific Goal That Nobody Ever Hears "You Should Have" When Mistakes Are Made."
Mialei J. Iske
Equipper of Leaders

Mialei Iske is a dedicated professional with proven expertise in equipping experts and building teams that thrive independently. She believes in the philosophy of “Equip First, Lead Second” – emphasizing that true leadership begins by fully preparing individuals to excel with the ability to handle the unknown.

Today, Mialei leads a group coaching program where leaders discover her proven methods to empower their teams. Each leader learns how to implement an equipping program tailored to the unique needs of the business and customers. Leaders discover the need to go beyond traditional training to ensure their team can function effectively with minimal oversight.

During her corporate career, Mialei took on challenges that required new workflows and demanded innovation and cooperation from every team member. In large high-tech organizations and small businesses alike, she saw firsthand how equipping each person led to more efficient work processes and outstanding results.

Recently, she embraced the ultimate challenge: creating training for an area she knew nothing about. By leveraging AI, Mialei developed valuable equipping materials for both new and experienced team members. With each interaction, she demonstrated that equipping starts by learning and adapting alongside those you lead.

Mialei’s resourcefulness brings hope to clients who have felt discouraged by the status quo. Her specialty is offering innovative ideas and encouragement for the journey ahead.

Popular Courses

Every Leader has Different Needs on the Equipping Journey.  Discover the Ways in Which You Can Address Your Most Current Challenge and Prepare for Your New Future.  Each Course is Designed to Guide You Out of Your Expert Role and Into Your Position of Strength in Leadership.

Valuable Traits Are Intrinsic to Individuals Who Think Critically & Strive to Master Every Skill.
Your Success Depends on Adding These People to Your Team.
Select the Soul
Hire What You Cannot Train
Leaders Who Identify Tasks That Anyone Can Complete
Will Spend Time Doing What
Only the Leader Can Do While Allowing the Team to Handle the Routine.
Customer Expectations are Higher Than Ever. Discover How You Can Exceed Those Expectations and Retain Valuable Customers & Have Them Buy Again & Again!

watch the MasterClass

How to Stop Training &
Start Equipping for Success

Without Loss of Productive Work Time or Spending a Fortune 

In just 30 minutes, you will become aware of the many ways you can equip your team to handle the unknown.  Discover how we stop short of anticipating customer needs when we only train our teams for the known

Book a call

Explore the Power of Equipping for Success!

Get Your Questions Answered & Take Action!

Instead of wondering what equipping could do for your team, click here and ask Mialei questions.  Our discussion will emphasize the ways in which you could benefit from shifting your efforts from simply training for the known into equipping your team, and even your customers, to think critically to address the unknown.

Start today

UnSpoken Questions
In the Transition to Leader

Answers are valuable in our society, but emphasis on answers will lead us to the wrong path if we don’t ask good questions.

We aren’t supposed to have questions, but everyone has questions that must be answered to become an equipping leader.  Click here to get your copy of something special that allows you to ask some tough questions in quiet meditation and explore the answers.

benefits of an Equipped Team

Increased Trust & Delegation

Build mutual trust to lead a more effective and efficient operation because the team has the best tools to develop skills and complete assigned duties.

Higher Employee Retention

Equipped team members experience growth, feel empowered and are more satisfied and stay because they have some ownership.

Greater Team Accountability

Team members gain a sense of ownership and will make decisions, solve problems and take responsibility for outcomes, which reduces the need for constant oversight and corrective action.

Strong Team Resilience

Your equipped team will handle unexpected challenges and crises without waiting for your guidance before making the right decision.

Improved Team Innovation

Team members who are trusted to handle challenges independently will devise innovative solutions and create a learning culture.

Vision/Mission Alignment

Clear understanding of the organization's vision and values will guide the actions across the team to align with broader goals to create greater cohesion, reduce missteps and internal friction.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Benefits of Group Coaching for Leaders?

Every leader needs the opportunity to listen to great ideas and offer insights in a safe environment.�

Virtual group coaching sessions are convenient and accessible from anywhere.

Content in the sessions is focused on the leaders who take the time to attend and participate.

Why Can't I Just Send My Team to Training Classes?

Just like universities and trade schools, most professional training classes are designed to meet the needs of many different people in various roles. Few attendees will have the maturity to bring back that information and apply the knowledge to your business.

Applied knowledge is specific to your business where team members are equipped to handle the unknown because you have taught each one to think critically.  Once each person knows your processes and procedures, you will equip the team to work together, which results in synergy that saves you money and adds time to your workday.

What Does Leverage Have to Do With Business Efficiency?

As you set priorities for the work week, your team will spend time on what matters most.  Completion of the right tasks will prevent issues that require attention.  Each team member will be equipped to serve your customers and keep them coming back.

How Can We Find Time to Add Daily Training to Our Busy Schedule?

Training sessions are brief and focused on the questions asked by team members in the previous week. Leaders soon recognize the value of equipping the entire team to handle the unknown. Customers reap the benefits of your team of equipped experts.

Instead of requiring more time, the daily training session becomes the avenue to communicate with every person on the team. Before long, the team will suggest important training subjects.

The equipped team will begin to conduct the training while the leader is busy elsewhere.

As a Leader, Am I the Best Person to Train My Team?

Initial training sessions held by you, the leader, will reveal to your team what matters most to you in the handling of your customers and the daily routine.

As training sessions become more focused, you will enlist the experts in each area to create and record training that can be used for every new team member. The importance of capturing every training session cannot be overstated. �

New team members will be trained by viewing the previously recorded sessions.

What Training Subjects Should the Training Cover?

Even the most basic subjects can make a significant difference for your customers. Consider the businesses that have a standard way of responding to customers:

—   Answering a phone call
—   Saying “Thank you!”
—   Greeting a customer who walks in
—   Handling a customer request for help

These might sound very basic until you discover that your customers are not being thanked for their valuable business.

Equipped teams are the key to retaining your valuable customers who will become your primary source of referrals.

How Do I Know If My Training Efforts Help My Team?

Team members will be focused on the work and spend less time asking questions. Leaders have noticed a significant reduction in casual conversation once everyone understands what is expected and how to complete the work.

Silence is a primary indication that every team member is engaged in the productive tasks that handle customer requests.

Equip Fully; expect greatness

Equipping Readies Your Team for Unexpected Challenges
by Fostering Resilience & Adaptability.

Equip For the Unknown; Reap Confident Action

Top-Performing Teams are equipped to handle the daily routine without asking for permission to solve problems.  

Is it time to embrace the change and watch your team soar to new heights?

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